

22 Ways to Stay on Track

  1. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages
  2. Be choosy about nighttime snacks
  3. Enjoy your favorite foods (in moderation)
  4. Eat several mini meals during the day (4-5)
  5. Eat protein at every meal
  6. Spice it up (foods loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds which helps satisfy you so you won't eat as much)
  7. Stock your kitchen with healthy, convenient foods
  8. Order children's portions at restaurants
  9. Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables
  10. Always eat breakfast
  11. Include fiber in your diet (25g for women and 38g for men or 14g per 1000 calories)
  12. Clean the cupboards of fattening foods
  13. Lose weight slowly (1-2 lbs/wk)
  14. Weigh yourself once a week
  15. Get enough sleep (ideally 8 hrs/night)
  16. Understand portion sizes
  17. Eat more foods and vegetables
  18. Limit alcohol to weekends (1/day for women and 2/day for men)
  19. Chew sugarless gum
  20. Keep a food diary
  21. Celebrate success but not with food
  22. Get help from family and friends